# endless Zero downtime restarts for golang HTTP and HTTPS servers. (for golang 1.3+) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/fvbock/endless?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/fvbock/endless) ## Inspiration & Credits Well... it's what you want right - no need to hook in and out on a loadbalancer or something - just compile, SIGHUP, start new one, finish old requests etc. There is https://github.com/rcrowley/goagain and i looked at https://fitstar.github.io/falcore/hot_restart.html which looked easier to do, but still some assembly required. I wanted something that's ideally as simple as err := endless.ListenAndServe("localhost:4242", mux) I found the excellent post [Graceful Restart in Golang](http://grisha.org/blog/2014/06/03/graceful-restart-in-golang/) by [Grisha Trubetskoy](https://github.com/grisha) and took his code as a start. So a lot of credit to Grisha! ## Features - Drop-in replacement for `http.ListenAndServe` and `http.ListenAndServeTLS` - Signal hooks to execute your own code before or after the listened to signals (SIGHUP, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGTSTP) - You can start multiple servers from one binary and endless will take care of the different sockets/ports assignments when restarting ## Default Timeouts & MaxHeaderBytes There are three variables exported by the package that control the values set for `DefaultReadTimeOut`, `DefaultWriteTimeOut`, and `MaxHeaderBytes` on the inner [`http.Server`](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#Server): DefaultReadTimeOut time.Duration DefaultWriteTimeOut time.Duration DefaultMaxHeaderBytes int The endless default behaviour is to use the same defaults defined in `net/http`. These have impact on endless by potentially not letting the parent process die until all connections are handled/finished. ### Hammer Time To deal with hanging requests on the parent after restarting endless will *hammer* the parent 60 seconds after receiving the shutdown signal from the forked child process. When hammered still running requests get terminated. This behaviour can be controlled by another exported variable: DefaultHammerTime time.Duration The default is 60 seconds. When set to `-1` `hammerTime()` is not invoked automatically. You can then hammer the parent manually by sending `SIGUSR2`. This will only hammer the parent if it is already in shutdown mode. So unless the process had received a `SIGTERM`, `SIGSTOP`, or `SIGINT` (manually or by forking) before `SIGUSR2` will be ignored. If you had hanging requests and the server got hammered you will see a log message like this: 2015/04/04 13:04:10 [STOP - Hammer Time] Forcefully shutting down parent ## Examples & Documentation import "github.com/fvbock/endless" and then replacing `http.ListenAndServe` with `endless.ListenAndServe` or `http.ListenAndServeTLS` with `endless.ListenAndServeTLS` err := endless.ListenAndServe("localhost:4242", handler) After starting your server you can make some changes, build, and send `SIGHUP` to the running process and it will finish handling any outstanding requests and serve all new incoming ones with the new binary. More examples are in [here](https://github.com/fvbock/endless/tree/master/examples) There is also [GoDoc Documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/fvbock/endless) ## Signals The endless server will listen for the following signals: `syscall.SIGHUP`, `syscall.SIGUSR1`, `syscall.SIGUSR2`, `syscall.SIGINT`, `syscall.SIGTERM`, and `syscall.SIGTSTP`: `SIGHUP` will trigger a fork/restart `syscall.SIGINT` and `syscall.SIGTERM` will trigger a shutdown of the server (it will finish running requests) `SIGUSR2` will trigger [hammerTime](https://github.com/fvbock/endless#hammer-time) `SIGUSR1` and `SIGTSTP` are listened for but do not trigger anything in the endless server itself. (probably useless - might get rid of those two) You can hook your own functions to be called *pre* or *post* signal handling - eg. pre fork or pre shutdown. More about that in the [hook example](https://github.com/fvbock/endless/tree/master/examples#hooking-into-the-signal-handling). ## Limitation: No changing of ports Currently you cannot restart a server on a different port than the previous version was running on. ## PID file If you want to save actual pid file, you can change the `BeforeBegin` hook like this: server := endless.NewServer("localhost:4242", handler) server.BeforeBegin = func(add string) { log.Printf("Actual pid is %d", syscall.Getpid()) // save it somehow } err := server.ListenAndServe() ## TODOs - tests - documentation - less ugly wrapping of the tls.listener